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We believe in the power of education to transform lives. Our scholarship program is designed to support deserving students in their academic journey, particularly those from underrepresented or financially disadvantaged backgrounds. By providing financial assistance, we aim to create opportunities for students to pursue higher education and achieve their full potential, thereby contributing to the broader fabric of Canadian society.

दातव्यमिति यद्दानं दीयतेऽनुपकारिणे | देशे काले च पात्रे च तद्दानं सात्त्विकं स्मृतम् || 20||
dātavyam iti yad dānaṁ dīyate ‘nupakāriṇe deśhe kāle cha pātre cha tad dānaṁ sāttvikaṁ smṛitam

Charity given to a worthy person simply because it is right to give, without consideration of anything in return, at the proper time and in the proper place, is stated to be in the mode of goodness.

Chapter 17 Verse 20